Monday, November 7, 2011

Enabling Outlook Delegates the Ability to Create Lync Online Meetings

During a recent Lync implementation the client heavily used Outlook delegates to manage calendars and to set up meetings on behalf of others.  After the users were enabled for Lync, delegates were unable to create Lync Online Meetings on behalf of the “boss”.  This did not break scheduling regular meetings, just Lync Online Meetings.  When trying to schedule, the following error appeared:

“You do not have permissions to schedule online meetings on behalf of the owner of this account.  Please contact the owner of the account to get delegate permissions in Lync.”

Lync Delegate - Outlook error

In order to enable delegates to schedule Online Meetings, the client policies need to be modified to enable the –EnableExchangeDelegateSync parameter.  In my example, I will be modifying the specific client policy by running:

Set-CsClientPolicy –Identity ExchangeDelegateSync –EnableExchangeDelegateSync $true

Lync Delegate - policy command2

Now when looking at my client policy by running: Get-CsClientPolicy –Identity ExchangeDelegateSync, I can see the parameter set:

Lync Delegate - policy output - markup

After logging back into the Lync client, Delegates will automatically get created in Lync.  You can see this from the main buddy list, as new groups are automatically created for both the “boss” and the delegate.

Boss – “Delegates” Group

Lync Delegate - client BossMan

Admin – “People I Manage Calls For” Group

Lync Delegate - client Admin

Now that the Outlook Delegates have been synced from Exchange, in our example the AdminAsst can now schedule Online Meetings on behalf of the BossMan and the meeting will reflect the BossMan’s meeting URL.

If users are enabled for Enterprise Voice, Lync delegates can be managed directly through the Lync client by clicking Options –> Call Forward Settings:

Lync Delegate - EV option - markup

Lync Delegate - EV option2

This post showed you how to enable users to create Lync Online Meetings on behalf of others.


  1. Fantastic - I had come across this exact issue, so a big help!

  2. when I try to add a delegate in Call Forwarding - Delegates, the Lync 'Add Contacts' dialog displays:
    One or more selected contacts contacts cannot be added as a delegate or team-call group member. Either the contact is outside of your organisation, is an automated service, or is not running your version of Lync.

    I get this message regardless of which contact I select from the list. I can confirm they are internal Lync users with the same client version.

    any ideas??

    1. the "Add Contacts" dialog can *only* be used to select Enterprise Voice enabled users. if you try to select any Lync user that is not EV, you will see exactly that message.

  3. @Keith Are you sure you are picking the Lync contact and not possibly an Outlook contact representing the same person? Are they on a different internal pool?

  4. I have seen this behavior as well, with there being a single Lync FE pool and all internal users, selecting the Lync contact.

    CsClientPolicy and CsVoicePolicy are only set at the global levels. All users are on the 7577.4061 client and all Lync servers are CU4 running the January 2012 update. All users are EV enabled and have one SIP address which matches both the UPN and the primary SMTP e-mail addresses.

    To add complications to the scenario, some Lync users migrated from OCS allowed the delegations to be created, others would not.

    Looking at the Security permissions, the permission levels are the same on the ones that are working versus the ones that are not. For privileged users that had the option deselected for Allow Inheritable Permissions, I tried checking it, but to no avail.

  5. How long should it take for this change to replicate all the delegates into Lync? Is it instantaneous or can it take some time? I've enabled this for a client that does not have enterprise voice enabled but wants the meeting delegation functionality and we still don't see the delegation occuring in Lync.

    1. Same as the previous post.... I have the "enable delegate sync" option set to true in all client policies, but still get an error that I am not authorized to schedule a lync meeting on behalf of another.

      I am able to create and send the regular outlook invite for the other user, just not able to set it as an online meeting still.

    2. This is the same for us. There seems to be a permissions syncing issue between Exchange and Lync. Sometimes it works, others it doesn't.

    3. similar issue for me, one of our PA's is a delegate for several people. since setting the enable delegate sync to true she can now delegate online meetings for one person but not for the other.
      Has anyone found a reason for this issue? is there a fix?

  6. Hi,
    Could you please help me, how to remove people from people i manage calls for, I just want to remove that on my lync and dont want to keep any members on that list.
    I had removed access from other person's Outlook 2010, but still it shows up and its very anoying.

  7. Have tried deleting that group from your contact list?

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  9. Try this..

    Exit Skype for Business client and Outlook

    Go to C drive--> user--> Select user profile--> %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Lync\Tracing and delete all files including the folders.
    Go to C drive--> user--> Select user profile--> %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Lync and delete the specific SIP profile of the affected user.
    Go to and delete the GUID folder starting with S-1…
    In Registry, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Lync and delete the SIP profile for the affected user

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