Monday, November 26, 2012

Administering Lync 2010 and 2013 Coexistence

As everyone is out migrating their Lync 2010 environments to Lync 2013, you must plan for coexistence.  This post will discuss the appropriate tools to use to administer certain scenarios once Lync 2013 is introduced into the environment.

Topology Changes

For any Topology changes (including adding Lync 2010 pools), you must use the Lync Server 2013 Topology Builder.  This is true even if a Lync 2010 pool is still hosting the CMS.  If you attempt to open the Lync Server 2010 Topology Builder, you will receive the following error:

“The topology is from a later version of the product.  Use the correct version of Topology Builder to open this topology.”

Lync Coexist Admin - 2010 Topo

Moving Users Across Pools of Different Versions

For all user moves across pool versions, the Lync Server 2013 tools must be used (Control Panel and Management Shell).  If you try to move a user from Lync 2010 to Lync 2013 or from Lync 2013 to Lync 2010 with the Lync 2010 tools, you will get the following error:

“Move to or from the future version of the product is not supported.”

Lync Coexist Admin - 2010 CP move to 2013 (error)

Moving Users Across Pools of Same Version

For all users moves across pools of the same version, that version of tools can be used to move the user.  This means that Lync 2010 tools can be used to move users between 2010 Lync pools and Lync 2013 tools can be used to move users between 2013 Lync pools.  Also, you can use the Lync 2013 tools to move Lync 2010 users between 2010 pools, but you cannot use Lync 2010 tools to move users between Lync 2013 pools.

Assigning User Policies or User Settings

Assigning user policies or changing user settings can be performed with either set of tools no matter what version of pool the user is homed on.


Below is a summary of the different scenarios above. 

  Lync 2010 Tools Lync 2013 Tools
Topology Changes



Move user from 2010 to 2013 no YES
Move user from 2013 to 2010 no YES
Move user between 2010 pools YES YES
Move user between 2013 pools no YES
Assign user policies and settings YES YES


To avoid any confusion, I recommend using the Lync 2013 tools exclusively for any administrative tasks once you have introduced Lync Server 2013 into your environment.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Exploring Default Installation and SQL Paths in Lync Server 2013

A shift has been made in Lync Server 2013 to process more SQL transactions local on the server than on Lync Server 2010.  One of the main reasons for this is to provide better resilience across all workloads (including user/conferencing services) compared to just voice resiliency in Lync Server 2010.  This post will review different installation paths of Lync components based on drives available at the time of installation.

First let’s review the SQL Express instances that are running local on the Lync Front-end servers.  In my example, I will be looking at the Standard Edition of Lync.  The Enterprise Edition Front-End server will only have LYNCLocal and RTCLocal SQL instances.

Lync 2013 - DB Location - 1234 SE Services

The following lists each SQL instance and the databases associated with it:

    • Lyss
  • RTC – located on local Standard Edition servers and in back-end SQL instance for Enterprise Edition
    • RTCab
    • CpsDyn
    • RgsConfig
    • RgsDyn
    • RTCShared
    • RTCXDS
    • XDS
    • RTC
    • RTCDyn

I wanted to see what would happen to default installation locations based on drives available.  Here are the scenarios that I tested:

Scenario #1 – C: drive only, default installation path

In a very default installation with only a C: drive, obviously all components get installed in their default locations.  The following screenshots shows the location of each Lync component.

Drive configuration:

Lync 2013 - DB Location - 1 SE c only

Lync installation path:

Lync 2013 - DB Location - 123 setup location default

SQL installation paths:

Lync 2013 - DB Location - 1 SE C Only SQL Install

RTCReplicaRoot path:

Lync 2013 - DB Location - 1 SE C Only RTCReplicaRoot

Database and Logs paths:

Lync 2013 - DB Location - 1 SE C Only CsData

Note that the RTCLocal database and log for XDS will always be located on the C: drive in the SQL installation path

Scenario #2 – C: and E: drive, default installation path

The following screenshots shows the location of each Lync component.

Drive configuration:

Lync 2013 - DB Location - 2 SE c e

Lync installation path:

Lync 2013 - DB Location - 123 setup location default

SQL installation paths (on C: ):

Lync 2013 - DB Location - 23 SE CE SQL Install

Note that the RTCLocal database and log for XDS will always be located on the C: drive in the SQL installation path

RTCReplicaRoot, Database and Log paths for RTC, RTCLocal, and LYNCLocal instances (all on E: ):

Lync 2013 - DB Location - 2 SE CE CsData-RTCReplica

Note that you can tell what SQL instance each database belongs to by looking at the parent folder to the DBPath/LogPath folders.

Scenario #3 – C:, E:, and F: drive, default installation path

The following screenshots shows the location of each Lync component.

Drive configuration:

Lync 2013 - DB Location - 3 SE c e f

Lync installation path:

Lync 2013 - DB Location - 123 setup location default

SQL installation paths (on C: ):

Lync 2013 - DB Location - 23 SE CE SQL Install

Note that the RTCLocal databases and logs (XDS) will always be located on the C: drive in the SQL installation path

RTCReplicaRoot, Database and Log paths for RTC, RTCLocal, and LYNCLocal instances (on E: ):

Lync 2013 - DB Location - 3 SE CEF E Volume

Note that you can tell what SQL instance each database belongs to by looking at the parent folder to the DBPath/LogPath folders.

Log paths for RTC, RTCLocal, and LYNCLocal (on F: )

Lync 2013 - DB Location - 3 SE CEF F Volume

Scenario #4 – C:, E:, and F: drive, Change installation path to E:

The following screenshots shows the location of each Lync component.

Drive configuration:

Lync 2013 - DB Location - 3 SE c e f

Lync installation path:

Lync 2013 - DB Location - 4 setup location

SQL installation paths (on C: ):

Lync 2013 - DB Location - 23 SE CE SQL Install

Note that the RTCLocal databases and logs (XDS) will always be located on the C: drive in the SQL installation path

Lync Program Files, RTCReplicaRoot, Database and Log paths for RTC, RTCLocal, and LYNCLocal instances (on E: ):

Lync 2013 - DB Location - 4 SE RTCReplicaRoot and lync install

Note that you can tell what SQL instance each database belongs to by looking at the parent folder to the DBPath/LogPath folders.

Log paths for RTC, RTCLocal, and LYNCLocal (on F: )

Lync 2013 - DB Location - 3 SE CEF F Volume