Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Documenting your Lync Voice Configuration

First off, all credit for this post goes to my colleague Chris Cook.  He provided all of the powershell scripting behind the tool.

UPDATED: Added download of file HERE

I have found it very difficult to easily document a voice configuration within Lync.  That is when I approached my scripting buddy Chris.  He developed this script to extract the export from the Lync Control Panel Voice Configuration:

LyncVoice - Export config - markup

When exporting the configuration, it saves as a *.vcfg file.  Using Chris’ handy powershell cmdlet, we can extract the contents of the *.vcfg file into an Excel spreadsheet with different tabs for each area: Dial Plan, Voice Policy, Route, PSTN Usage, and Trunk Configuration.

Copy the following powershell script as a .ps1 file and save in the same location as the exported *.vcfg file.

Download LyncVCFGConverter.ps1 here

#  LyncVCFGConverter.ps1
#  Format Exported .vcfg file from Lync to Excel
#  Author: Chris Cook
#  Use at your own risk!
#Collect VCFG Filename from Command Line Arguments
$VCFGFileName = $args[0]
Write-Host "Importing XML Config..."
$VCFGXML = [xml](get-content $VCFGFileName)
Write-Host "Done"
#Get current working directory and convert it to a string.
$CurrentDirectory = Get-Location
$CurrentDirectory = $CurrentDirectory.ToString()
#Set the file name for the Excel Spreadsheet we're working with.
#Drop the VCFG extension and add " - Voice Config.XLSX" to the end.
Write-Host "Starting Excel..."
$ExcelFileName = $VCFGFileName.substring(0,$VCFGFileName.Length - 5) + " - Voice  Config.XLSX"
#Create the Excel Instance we will be working with.
$ExcelApp = New-Object -comobject Excel.Application
#Create a new Workbook and add 2 extra sheets for 5 total.
Write-Host "Configuring Worksheets..."
$Workbook = $ExcelApp.Workbooks.Add()
$Worksheets = $WorkBook.Worksheets.Add()
$Worksheets = $WorkBook.Worksheets.Add()
#Name the sheets in the Workbook and assign variables to them.
$LocationProfilesSheet = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item(1)
$LocationProfilesSheet.Name = "Location Profiles"
$PSTNUsagesSheet = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item(2)
$PSTNUsagesSheet.Name = "PSTN Usages"
$PSTNRoutesSheet = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item(3)
$PSTNRoutesSheet.Name = "PSTN Routes"
$VoicePolicySheet = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item(4)
$VoicePolicySheet.Name = "Voice Policies"
$TrunkSheet = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item(5)
$TrunkSheet.Name = "Trunk Configuration"
Write-Host "Done"
#Configure layout for Location Profile Sheet
Write-Host "**Building Location Profile Sheet**"
$LocationProfilesSheet.Cells.Item(1,1) = "Dial Plan"
$LocationProfilesSheet.Cells.Item(1,2) = "Scope"
$LocationProfilesSheet.Cells.Item(1,3) = "Dial Plan Description"
$LocationProfilesSheet.Cells.Item(1,4) = "Rule"
$LocationProfilesSheet.Cells.Item(1,5) = "Rule Description"
$LocationProfilesSheet.Cells.Item(1,6) = "Pattern"
$LocationProfilesSheet.Cells.Item(1,7) = "Translation"
$LocationProfilesSheet.Cells.Item(1,8) = "Dialin Conferencing Region"
$CurrentRow = 2
#Import XML data into Excel fields.
$LocationProfiles = @($VCFGXML.Datasource.LocationProfiles.Datasource)
ForEach ($DialPlan in $LocationProfiles){
Write-Host "Found Dial Plan: " $DialPlan.DialPlanName
ForEach ($Rule in $DialPlan.Rules.Datasource){
Write-Host "Importing Rule: " $Rule.Name
$LocationProfilesSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,1) = $DialPlan.Name
$LocationProfilesSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,2) = $DialPlan.Scope
$LocationProfilesSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,3) = $DialPlan.Description
$LocationProfilesSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,4) = $Rule.Name
$LocationProfilesSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,5) = $Rule.Description
$LocationProfilesSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,6) = $Rule.Pattern
$LocationProfilesSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,7) = $Rule.Translation
$LocationProfilesSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,8) = $DialPlan.DialinConferencingRegion
$CurrentRow = $CurrentRow + 1
Write-Host "**Done with Location Profile Sheet**"
#Configure layout for PSTN Usages Sheet
Write-Host "**Building PSTN Usages Sheet**"
$PSTNUsagesSheet.Cells.Item(1,1) = "Name"
$PSTNUsagesSheet.Cells.Item(1,2) = "Identity"
$PSTNUsagesSheet.Cells.Item(1,3) = "Scope"
$CurrentRow = 2
#Import XML data into Excel fields.
$PSTNUsages = @($VCFGXML.Datasource.PSTNUsages.Datasource)
ForEach ($Usages in $PSTNUsages){
ForEach ($Usage in $Usages.Usages.Datasource){
Write-Host "Importing Usage: " $Usage.Name
$PSTNUsagesSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,1) = $Usage.Name
$PSTNUsagesSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,2) = $Usages.Identity
$PSTNUsagesSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,3) = $Usages.Scope
$CurrentRow = $CurrentRow + 1
Write-Host "**Done with PSTN Usages Sheet**"
#Configure layout for PSTN Route Settings Sheet
Write-Host "**Building PSTN Route Settings Sheet**"
$PSTNRoutesSheet.Cells.Item(1,1) = "Route Name"
$PSTNRoutesSheet.Cells.Item(1,2) = "Usage"
$PSTNRoutesSheet.Cells.Item(1,3) = "Route Description"
$PSTNRoutesSheet.Cells.Item(1,4) = "Number Pattern"
$PSTNRoutesSheet.Cells.Item(1,5) = "Supress Caller ID"
$PSTNRoutesSheet.Cells.Item(1,6) = "PSTN Gateway"
$CurrentRow = 2
#Import XML data into Excel fields.
$RouteSettings = @($VCFGXML.Datasource.PSTNRouteSettings.Datasource)
ForEach ($RouteGroup in $RouteSettings){
ForEach ($Route in $RouteGroup.Routes.Datasource){
Write-Host "Importing Route: " $Route.Name
$PSTNRoutesSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,1) = $Route.Name
$PSTNRoutesSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,3) = $Route.Description
$PSTNRoutesSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,4) = $Route.NumberPattern
$PSTNRoutesSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,5) = $Route.SuppressCallerId
ForEach ($Usage in $Route.Usages.Datasource){
$PSTNRoutesSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,2) = $Usage.Name
ForEach ($Gateway in $Route.Gateways.Datasource){
$PSTNRoutesSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,6) = $Gateway.ServiceId
$CurrentRow = $CurrentRow + 1
Write-Host "**Done with PSTN Route Settings Sheet**"
#Configure layout for Voice Policies Sheet
Write-Host "**Building Voice Policies Sheet**"
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item(1,1) = "Voice Policy Name"
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item(1,2) = "Description"
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item(1,3) = "Scope"
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item(1,4) = "Usage"
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item(1,5) = "Allow Simultaneous Ring"
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item(1,6) = "Allow Call Forwarding"
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item(1,7) = "Allow PSTN Rerouting"
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item(1,8) = "Enable Delegation"
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item(1,9) = "Enable Team Call"
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item(1,10) = "Enable Call Transfer"
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item(1,11) = "Enable Call Park"
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item(1,12) = "Enable Malicious Call tracing"
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item(1,13) = "Enable Bandwidth Policy Override"
$CurrentRow = 2
#Import XML data into Excel fields.
$VoicePolicies = @($VCFGXML.Datasource.VoicePolicies.Datasource)
ForEach ($Policy in $VoicePolicies){
Write-Host "Importing Policies for: " $Policy.Name
ForEach ($Usage in $Policy.Usages.Datasource){
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,1) = $Policy.Name
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,2) = $Policy.Description
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,3) = $Policy.Scope
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,4) = $Usage.Name
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,5) = $Policy.AllowSimulRing
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,6) = $Policy.AllowCallForwarding
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,7) = $Policy.AllowPSTNReRouting
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,8) = $Policy.EnableDelegation
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,9) = $Policy.EnableTeamCall
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,10) = $Policy.EnableCallTransfer
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,11) = $Policy.EnableCallPark
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,12) = $Policy.EnableMaliciousCallTracing
$VoicePolicySheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,13) = $Policy.EnableBWPolicyOverride
$CurrentRow = $CurrentRow + 1
Write-Host "**Done with Voice Policies Sheet**"
#Configure layout for Trunks Sheet
Write-Host "**Building Trunk Sheet**"
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item(1,1) = "Trunk Name"
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item(1,2) = "Trunk Identity"
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item(1,3) = "Scope"
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item(1,4) = "Rule"
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item(1,5) = "Rule Description"
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item(1,6) = "Concentrated Topology"
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item(1,7) = "Enable Bypass"
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item(1,8) = "Enable Refer Support"
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item(1,9) = "SRTP Mode"
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item(1,10) = "Max. Early Dialogs"
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item(1,11) = "Pattern"
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item(1,12) = "Translation"
$CurrentRow = 2
#Import XML data into Excel fields.
$TrunkGroup = @($VCFGXML.Datasource.Trunks.Datasource)
ForEach ($Trunk in $TrunkGroup){
Write-Host "Found Trunk: " $Trunk.Name
ForEach ($Rule in $Trunk.Rules.Datasource){
Write-Host "Importing Rule: " $Rule.Name
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,1) = $Trunk.Name
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,2) = $Trunk.Identity
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,3) = $Trunk.Scope
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,4) = $Rule.Name
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,5) = $Rule.Description
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,6) = $Trunk.ConcentratedTopology
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,7) = $Trunk.EnableBypass
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,8) = $Trunk.EnableReferSupport
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,9) = $Trunk.SRTPMode
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,10) = $Trunk.MaxEarlyDialogs
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,11) = $Rule.Pattern
$TrunkSheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow,12) = $Rule.Translation
$CurrentRow = $CurrentRow + 1
Write-Host "**Done with Voice Policies Sheet**"
#Make Excel visible to the user.
$ExcelApp.Visible = $True
$Workbook.SaveAs($CurrentDirectory + "\" + $ExcelFileName)

Now open up a powershell command window and navigate to the directory with the .ps1 file and .vcfg file and run the following command:

.\LyncVCFGConverter.ps1 CustomerA_Lync.vcfg

LyncVoice - PS command

The script will extract the data and create an Excel spreadsheet.  The progress is shown as the script is running:

LyncVoice - PS command execute-markup

Once the script is complete, the Excel spreadsheet will be saved and launched.  You will notice that the spreadsheet is divided into different tabs:

LyncVoice - Excel - markup

Here are some examples from some of the other tabs…

Voice Policies:

LyncVoice - Excel -policies - markup

Trunk Configuration:

LyncVoice - TrunkConfig - markup

Hopefully this will help you out on documenting your Lync Voice configurations!  Again, thanks to Chris Cook for the heavy lifting on the powershell scripts.